UA/BG Resources

Facebook Groups and helpful posts:

Situational Center Open Doors (Group)
ZaDobroto (Group)
Help for displaced Ukranians (Group)
AUOB Mati Ukraine (Group)
Stand with Ukraine (Group)
Hugs from Bulgaria (Group)
Everything job related (Post)
Work for displaced Ukranians (Group)
Education and free time (Group)

Websites: – Most popular site to offer housing within the entire EU – foundation “Za dobroto” (translated means Do Good) – Official Page of the Ukrainian embassy in Bulgaria – National portal for the people affected by the war in Ukraine – Sofia municipality’s page providing information for Ukrainian – AUOB Mother Ukraine (СУОБ “Мати Україна”), closely working with the embassy of Ukraine
Life in Bulgaria (in Ukrainian) – Document with information about life in Bulgaria – rules about accomodation, transportation, food stores, etc. campaign powered by: United States Embassy Sofia | America for Bulgaria Foundation | American University in Bulgaria | American College in Sofia | American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria | NuBoyana Film Studios | Muzeiko